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Showing posts from April, 2022

Shohei Ohtani Is Already the Best Baseball Player Ever

Sports writers everywhere love hyperbole. A bold claim inherently puts many more eyes onto your work than some lukewarm statement, even when the boring take is correct (and it often is). I mean, be honest -- between two articles entitled “ The Dodgers May Have Just Built the Greatest Lineup in History ” and “ Gosh, The Dodgers Just Improved Their Roster by Quite a Fair Bit With Their Most Recent Trade, Wouldn’t You Think? ”, which would you read first? In truth, hyperbole is a useful tool for all journalists, though it’s a little easier to use in the realm of sports rather than, say, politics, since the stakes are much lower. For instance, if I call the White Sox the worst-coached team in the league , it’s not going to do much more than ruffle the feathers of some Tony La Russa supporters, if any should exist. But if I call any country the worst-run country in the world , the consequences are… a little more dire. All that being said, I would argue that no compliment could possibly be t